All I Want For Christmas Is a 1984 Toyota Pick-up

Dear Laney,

I think I've mentioned it before, but you REALLY like your dad's pick-up truck. Today, you got in and refused to come out. You even pulled the driver's side door shut, and when I knocked on the window and asked if you wanted to get out, you shook your head no and kept on truckin'.

You know, except for the exposed wiring and the loose change and the pocketknife on the dashboard and the two-week old sandwich I know is in here somewhere and the fact that you're 15 years away from being allowed to operate a motor vehicle, it's totally an ideal toddler playground.

Except not really.

All I ask is that the next time you drive off on an imaginary adventure, please invite Gus along for the ride. Because man, he's sure wanted to go with you today.



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