This Morning I visit a H&M retail store close to my house, the store is located on east 86 street. The store is located in a very busy area, and it has 3 floors. From the outside of the 2 floor windows, H&M had placed posters of the new colection and it is impossible to walk by without noticing it. It is a great attention grab. While I was walking towards the store entrance I noticed that the walkway and the street was clean, and a H&M staff oppened the door for me and smile, it makes me feel welcomed and at the same time went to my mind that I should buy something just because he was so polite. I walk inside the store and the atmosfere was great. They are playing a happy pop music, the cloths are beautiful orgaized and folded, I pay a close attention to this matter and realized that many staffs were walking around folding and organizing the store read to help anyone who ask for help. I went to the second floor to the men section of the store. The cloths are very well placed, easy to make eye contact to all products they are selling and also they have posters of models wearing their cloths on the walls and between spaces, it makes very easy to look at them and see yourself wearing the same.
From this visit I can say that H&M has a great visual marketing appeall for the consumers, the personall is friendly. They didn't forget the atmosfere of the store, they make me feel so comfortable that I didn't rush my way during my visit. I will for sure come back again.
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