Should I cancel Child Support?

Q: This is my decision my ex pays me 521 actually 600 (because he is always late) a month for three children he is always calling me crying how he has nothing . His mother is still to this day handling his affairs and I am more then capable of taking care of them myself. I just feel a "Real" man doesnt need to be forced to take care of his children and Im so sick of hearing " He pays child support so....."
First let me add this I dont get my nails done Im a nurse I didnt request that he pay child support. HE told me to take him for child support. I wanted to handle it between he and I. I dont use my childrens child support money on myself for anyones FYI
I still want him in my children's life they adore him . I just get tired of him telling me how he has nothing or he isn't working. I told him before he told me " F you take me to court when I simply asked before I graduated college for money for pampers that we could handle this outside of court he chose this not me.. I think it is I just dont want ANYONE to have to struggle
AGAIN I am NOT being CHILDISH if I was the one that told him by all means lets handle this just you and I b/c once CS steps in they dont care what your situation is they want their money
I dont want any money I want him to send what he can when he can
(2010-12-11 22:06:58)

A: Nope you don't cancel child support. You keep it going through the courts. You tell him if he wants he can take you back to court for a decrease and you will agree. He should be responsible for his children, it is not your job to support them alone, he is their father, he has some responsibility here too.

He could have agreed the first time around when you tried to be nice about it, he said F you take me to court, well hey that's his problem. He asked for it he got it Toyota. If you do it without the courts with this guy, you won't be getting enough to take care of those children. You are doing the right thing looking out for you and the kids and sometimes you just CAN'T BE NICE TO THESE MEN, they don't understand NICE.

Good luck and good for you.


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